Time is a Precious Commodity

Virtual Vantage's mission is to tackle your to-do list so that you can spend time building and nurturing your business.

Why not have someone, that enjoys administrative duties, do the work for you? Think of what it would be like to be free from that computer screen, out doing the things that light you up. By using a virtual assistant, you gain time and energy that would normally be squandered away on dreadful to do items, to instead, spend with the people that matter most.

A little about me:

Virtual Vantage is a business I created that is based on the concept of saving business professionals from themselves. I have witnessed so many executives and self-employed leaders running down 'creative' rabbit holes and leaving so many tasks unfinished because of analyzation paralyzation.

I have over 25 years of experience with a multitude of different companies. 
  • I worked my way up from the factory floor to Executive Assistant back in my hometown of Cambridge, Maryland 
  • Brought a whole lot of personality into the USDA in Hilo, Hawaii
  • Assisted one of the smartest Chief Operating Officers I have ever met, at a Hospice center on the Big Island of Hawaii
  • Took over the life of a multi-million dollar construction company CEO in North Carolina 
  • Ventured into South Carolina every day for almost a year to brave the wild, wonderful, world of real estate transactions.

It isn't that I can't figure out what I want to do - It is that there are so many great people I can do it for!!

The solution - go virtual and help as many professionals as I can!


Calendar, email, and scheduling management, client follow-up, preemptive phone calls, and personal life task management


Social Media management, graphic design, fliers, mailers, blogs, website management and much more


CRM management, phone and computer support, report generation, performing analysis of operating systems, and cultivating efficiency processes

Marketing Bundle

  • Social Media - 4 posts per month on all sites ($250 separately)
  • Graphic Design, Website Management ($300 separately)
  • Print Design, Newsletter, Postcards ($200 separately)
  • - Based on 40 hours per month
  • - All services are negotiable and can be mixed and matched to fit your needs
  • - Prices do not include material costs or mileage

Technical Bundle

  • Phone / Computer Support ($225 separately)
  • Report Generation & Analysis ($150 separately)
  • Cultivating / Developing Processes ($275 separately)
  • - Based on 40 hours per month
  • - All services are negotiable and can be mixed and matched to fit your needs
  • - Prices do not include material costs or mileage

Home Staging - Accessories

  • Discounted rate available after first 30 days.
  • Mill Spring, North Carolina, United States